Category: Strategy

Chaos Sector 混沌宙域

🎮 Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Chaos Sector 混沌宙域 Chaos Sector is a retro style game that pays homage to many strategic games on the game console platform in 1995-2005. Story background: G.E.1012,the First Alien Impact occurred. The giant beast, named Pale Dragon, ran through [...]
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Blood Card

🎮 Blood Card FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Blood Card "This card game combines elements of roguelike and deckbuilding. During the game, you shall strive ahead, gathering cards to build a unique deck and use it to defeat the enemies getting in your way. You will have to [...]
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Factory Town

🎮 Factory Town FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Factory Town Build, Expand, Automate, and Optimize your own fantasy village in the wilderness. Starting with just a few workers, gather the necessary resources and build a wide variety of production buildings to supply your town with valuable goods. Research [...]
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🎮 PROTEST FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über PROTEST - another game with your best anime girlfriends in the genre of JRPG! You must protect cute girls from the bandits! Only they can return the law to this city! Beautiful nun heal your soul and excite! The new character uses [...]
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Oligopoly: Industrial Revolution

🎮 Oligopoly: Industrial Revolution FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Oligopoly: Industrial Revolution Oligopoly ist ein Strategie Spiel, wo du die Produktion, die Verteilung und den Verkauf von verschiedenen Waren bewerkstelligen musst. Baue natürliche Rohstoffe ab, baue Fabriken und Infrastrukturen, produziere Güter und verteile sie mit Hilfe von Lastwagen, [...]
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🎮 Vigilantes FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Vigilantes Vigilantes is a combat focused, turn-based tactical RPG set in the declining, crime riddled city of Reiker. The game offers hardcore squad-level combat in a gritty neo-noir setting, intel gathering through surveillance and interrogation, a detailed character system, base building, [...]
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I’m not a Monster

🎮 I’m not a Monster FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über I’m not a Monster Each session features a group of up to six players, where every player is randomly assigned the role of civilian or monster, with a max. of two monsters.  Elaborate a team strategy, but don’t [...]
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Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story

🎮 Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story WERDE DER BESTE DIREKTOR Überwache die Entwicklung deiner Heldenschule, baue Gebäude, verbessere Anlagen und verwalte die täglichen Aktivitäten deiner Schüler ENTWICKLE DEINE SCHÜLER Bilde deine Krieger-, Magier- und Waldläuferschüler aus, um ihre [...]
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🎮 Antiquitas FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Antiquitas Antiquitas is an ancient civilization city builder and simulation game. It is basically the game you have always been waiting for. Transport yourself back to ancient Roman times where you are given an empty plot of land and a few [...]
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Depth of Extinction

🎮 Depth of Extinction FREE DOWNLOAD | Hier kostenlos & sicher herunterladen! 📝 Beschreibung / Über Depth of Extinction In a world rife with violence, rumors of killer machines have spread far and wide. As a number of factions emerge – violently vying for power – you become the sole defender of humanity’s last standing [...]
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